Schedule an ACT One-on-One Session!
Perfect for Skills Review, Tips & Strategies, Practice Test (scored) and (take home).

Welcome to WP Polytechnic!
West Instructional Services is a provider of affordable intervention services for students. These tutoring and intervention services are available to students of all ages and all grade levels. Our academic improvement programs are designed especially for students that are:1. Performing two or more years below their expected grade level in reading and math
2. Failing two or more core subjects
3. Retained in grade for one or more years
4. Experiencing a difficult home life
5. Not achieving required scores on standardized tests
6. At-risk of dropping out of school

Learn About Our ACT Courses
We work in partnership with schools, teachers, and community leaders to help these students get back on track academically.

Check out our ACT books!
Someone did it! Someone finally “cracked the code” to the ACT! In this book, Dr. West gives all students practical tips, strategies, and skills needed to score well on the ACT.

Upcoming Classes
These sessions are designed specifically for students who want to score higher on the ACT.
About Our Courses
ACT Crash Course
This fast-paced course is NOT recommended for students who have never taken the ACT. This 4 1/2 hour course is designed to cover skills, tips, and strategies for each section of the ACT. Students will participate in various activities that are specific to each section of the ACT. Students Do Not take a practice test in this class, but they will take a full-length practice test home. This class is usually offered the Sunday before each exam. This class is only $95, and you must prepay online.
ACT Tips, Tricks, and Strategies
On the Friday before each exam, we offer our ACT Tips, Tricks, and Strategies class. This 2-hour class will provide students with an amazing overview of very specific tips and strategies for each section of the ACT: English, math, reading, and science. This class will review a few skills, but students will NOT take a practice test. This class is only $80, and you must prepay online.
About Us
West Instructional Services believes that the most challenging students can achieve and become better prepared to graduate. Let us partner with you and your organization to provide services to those students that desperately need it. Our tutoring program is aligned with common core state standards. We always produce exceptional academic results for students who may be low-performing or over-age for their expected grade.
Testimonial Spotlight
“Hey Mrs. West! Burt made a 26 on his ACT. I almost fainted!! I’m just thankful he got to attend your classes.”
-Mrs. Chappel
Proudly Serving The Following Vendor Locations
We have the BEST prices and the BEST results!
You can give us a call before signing up (251-455-1255) or just check out our amazing ACT testimonials.
- Who should sign up?
- What will you get?
- Group Rates
- Sign Up and Payment
- Class Location
- Training For Teachers
1. students serious about their ACT score
2. students applying for scholarships
3. students planning to attend college
4. high school juniors or seniors with ACT scores below the national average (21)
1. a quiet environment
2. assistance from an education specialist
3. step by step instruction
4. proven test-taking tips and strategies
5. practice on specific skills
6. a full-length practice test with answers to take home
7. coaching and resources after the session is over
8. A Higher Score!
Call today and ask about our group rate. In order to receive the group rate, groups must consist of at least 25 to 35 participants. Group prices can be negotiated. You must call at least 2 weeks in advance. Contact Dr. West at 251-455-1255.
Receive up to 10 hours of ACT test prep when you sign up for all 4 classes. The first class must be paid a week before the start date. Pay online: sign up by selecting the class that you would like to attend.
Pay by mail:
Mail your payment to Dr. Wycondia West P. O. Box 716 Saraland, AL 36571.
ACT Classes are held at:
424 Saraland Blvd. North
Suite E
Saraland, AL 36571
Dr. Wyconda West offers the below in-person workshops for Teachers.
ACT Strategies Training (1.5 hours)
This workshop is designed to help classroom teachers understand and apply specific ACT tips and strategies in their classroom. Teachers will receive year long support.
ACT Skills Training (3 hours)
This workshop is designed to help classroom teachers increase the rigor and relevance of their classroom instruction by focusing on specific ACT skills. Teachers will receive year long support.
Data Analysis (2 hours)
This workshop is designed to help counselors review and analyze ACT subsections, so they can help students focus on necessary skills that will lead to success. Counselors will receive year long support.